Haley Warden-Rodgers for Ward 6

Hi, I'm Haley

I am a mom of two elementary-aged kids in our public schools, a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community, and the wife of a wonderful person who grew up in the North Hills area of Pittsburgh. Professionally, I am an attorney with a background that spans both public and private sectors. I am currently working for a manufacturing company. I love the home and community I have found here in Ross Township over the last 9+ years. As a lifelong Democrat with a consistent voting record, I am excited to bring my professional and personal experience to make Ward 6, and Ross Township more broadly, an even better place to live and work.

Haley Warden-Rodgers

Why I'm Running

I am running for the Ross Township Board of Commissioners for Ward 6 because I believe that on a hyper-local level, people have much more that brings them together than pulls them apart. As I watch the actions of our federal government, I am mindful of the trickle-down impacts these decisions may have on our community - whether that means reduced access to safe housing, loss of critical public services, or feelings of uncertainty. I want to do my part to ensure my neighbors have what they need to thrive in Ross Township.

As your Commissioner, I commit to:

  • Seek out new voices to make government decision-making more responsive to community needs
  • Give contracting and procurement preference to local and union-owned businesses who commit to providing family-supporting wages and benefits
  • Support walkable, sustainable, future-focused economic development
  • Advocate to reduce the tax burden on our lowest income neighbors through generous standard deductions, homestead exemptions, and progressive tax rates
  • Review and implement best practices for police and fire services to encourage efficiency and bolster community relationships
  • Fight food insecurity, including supporting local food banks in obtaining resources to fill expanded need caused by reductions in federal programs
  • Be a good steward of the resources and tax dollars entrusted to the board

Community Support

The only way to build community is to be in the community. If you see me at the bus stop, the grocery store, or baseball practices, say hi! And if you'd like to join my campaign, please comment, like, and share this page. I look forward to learning more about you and your visions for Ross Township.

Not sure if you live in Ward 6? You can check the Ross Township Ward Map

Check your voter registration card, or look up your voter registration status here: PA Voter Services

Community Gathering